

Passover To-Go

complete seder plate $30
shank bone $5
charoset by the # $10
quart broth – feeds 2 $7
1/2 gallon broth – feeds 4+ $14
pint egg noodles $3.50.
matzo ball – by the each $2.50.
2 kreplachs $3.50.
pint pollo, carro, celery – soup $6.00
1# chop liver – feeds 5ish $14.00
1# kasha V – feeds 4ish $10.00
1/2 pan matzo kugel – 16 pieces $40
matzo kugel – by the # $12
1# mini S & S meatballs – 10-12 $16.00
gefilte 8oz -HR & carrots included $9.00
horseradish – 3oz $4.00
1 latke w/ apple or SC $3.50.
1 mini homemade bagel dog $2
1# sesame roast baby veg – feeds 4ish $12
1# grill veg – feeds 4ish $12
1# char broccoli-cauliflower – feeds 4ish $12
1# honey-lime-butter mash yam – feeds 4ish $9
1# mash OR oven roasted papas – feeds 4ish $9
1# isreal couscous salad -feeds5ish $12
1# kishke & gravy – 6 slices – we roast it $16
1# brisket & aujus – feeds 3ish $21
1# brisket lean & aujus – feeds 3ish $25
1/2 chicken – – 1.75# $12.00
door county whitefish 10oz $12
north atlantic salmon 8oz $12
sponge cake $12
honey cake $12
banana fudge Cake $12
1# macaroons $16
1# chocolate matzo $16
1# mondel bread $16
1# rugalach $16
2# round challah bread $12
passover matzo box $8
for a special request – just ask xoxo


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